Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Environmental Engineering
- Phone
- +90 (262) 605 3143
- Office
- Environmental Engineering, 146
- Areas of interest
- • Air Pollution and Control • Air Quality Modeling • Greenhouse Gas Emission • Waste and Energy Management • Renewable Energy • Particle and Gas Control
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:
A1. N. Aral, A. Günay, O. Sevimoğlu, M. Çalı, E. Debik,
“Ammonia removal from aqueous solution by ion exchange using natural zeolit”,
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 1999, Vol.8, No: 5-6, 344-349.
A2. B. Tansel, M. Nakhate, O. Sevimoğlu, “Spill prevention
priority analysis for reducing accidental release risks during pipeline
transport”, Journal of Environmental Systems, 2000-2001, Vol. 28 No: 4,
A3. B. Tansel, O. Sevimoğlu, “Coalescence and size
distribution characteristics of oil droplets attached on flocs after
coagulation”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2006, 169, 293-302.
A4. W. F. Rogge, J. M. Ondov, A. Bernardo-Bricker, O.
Sevimoğlu, “Baltimore PM2.5 Supersite: Highly-Time Resolved Organic Compounds -
Sampling Duration and Phase Distribution - Implications for Health Effects
Studies” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 401(10):3069-82.
A5. O. Sevimoğlu, B. Tansel, Effect of persistent trace
compounds in landfill gas on engine performance during energy recovery: A case
study, Waste Management, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2013, P. 74-80.
A6. O. Sevimoğlu, B. Tansel, Composition and source
identification of deposits forming in landfill gas (LFG) engines and effect of
activated carbon treatment on deposit composition, Journal of Environmental
Management, Volume 128, Issue 15 October 2013, p. 300-305.
A7. O. Sevimoğlu, Assessment of Limiting Factors for
Potential Energy Production in Waste to Energy Projects, Fresenius Environmental
Bulletin, 24 (7), p. 2362 – 2373, 2015.
A8. O. Sevimoğlu, W.F. Rogge, Organic Compound Concentrations of Size-Segregated PM10 in Sugarcane Burning and Growing Seasons at a Rural and an Urban Site in Florida, USA. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, p.1720-1736, 2015. DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.02.0069.
A9. O. Sevimoğlu, W.F. Rogge, Seasonal Size-Segregated PM10
and PAH Concentrations in a Rural Area of Sugarcane Agriculture versus a
Coastal Urban Area in Southeastern Florida, USA, Particuology, 28, 52-59, 2016.
A10. O. Sevimoğlu, W.F. Rogge (2019). Seasonal variations of PM10— Trace elements,
PAHs andLevoglucosan: Rural sugarcane growing area versus coastal urbanarea in
Southeastern Florida, USA. Part II: Elemental concentrations. Particuology, 46, 99-108., Doi:
A11. Ö. Östürk, O. Sevimoğlu (2020). Identification of major and minor elements by
multiple analysis responsible for deposit formation on engine utilizing
landfill gas. FUEL, 277, Doi:
A12. A. B. Yaman, O. Sevimoğlu (2021). Assessment and modelling of greenhouse gas
emissions from waste collection vehicles powered by different fuel types.  International Journal of Global Warming,
Volume 23, No.3, pp.274-295,
A13. Ö. Östürk, O. Sevimoğlu (2021). Trace elements microanalysis of metal oxides
in deposit formed on combustion chamber surface of landfill gas engine using
focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy technique.  Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 123, 105297, Doi:
A14. Orhan Sevimoğlu, Özge Östürk, (2023) Variations of trace metals in
combustion chamber deposit in landfill gas engine a long period of time,
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 458, 15, 131880
A15. O. Sevimoğlu, Ö. Östürk Sömek, F. Yıldız (2024).
Comparative determination of the time-dependent accumulation of metal oxides in
the landfill gas combustion chamber deposits using SEM-EDS, XRF and ICP OES,
Microchemical Journal, 207, 112042.
A16. Ö. Östürk Sömek, F. Yıldız, O. Sevimoğlu (2025). Comparative
analysis of metal oxide nanoparticle accumulation in landfill gas engine
combustion chambers: Insights from three sites, Waste Management, 191, 147-159.
* A. BURCU YAMAN, (2019). Kocaeli ili evsel katı atıkların toplanması ve taşınmasında ortaya çıkan sera gazlarının hesaplanması ve modellenmesi.
* ÇAĞLA ATMACA, (2019). Kocaeli ilinde sera gazı ve hava kirletici emisyonlarının hesaplanması ve birlikte değerlendirilmesi.
* ÖZGE ÖSTÜRK SÖMEK (2023) Depo Gazından Enerji Üretiminde Kullanılan Gaz Motorlarının Yanma Odasında Oluşan Depozitlerin Karakterizasyonu Ve Oluşum Mekanizmasının Belirlenmesi.
* DUYGU GÖKALTUN (2023) Depo Gazı Kullanan Motorda Depozit Oluşumuna Sebep Olan Bileşiklerin Kaynaklarının ve Ön Arıtım Yöntemlerinin Araştırılması.
- Third Cycle (Doctoral): * Florida International University (ABD)
Second Cycle (Master's): * Florida International University (ABD)
* Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi - First Cycle (Undergraduate): * Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü