Prof. Dr.
Melek Özkan
Environmental Engineering
- Phone
- +90 (262) 605 3167
- Office
- Environmental Engineering, 43
- Areas of interest
Journal Article
- 1.Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Hilal Yılmaz, Pınar Ergenekon, Elif Erhan, Melek Özkan*. 2024. Utilization of Substrate Specific Membrane Channels in Liposome Based Biosensors: A Nitrite Biosensor with NirC Nitrite Channels.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. In Press
- 2. Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Hilal Yılmaz, Emel Topuz, Melek Özkan* 2024. Decision Making with Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach to Select Feedstock Type for Bioethanol Production: Is 3G More Sustainable than Others? Renewable Energy.
- 3. Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Ramazan, Keyikoğlu, Melek Özkan,Yeojoon Yoon, Alireza Khataee. 2024. Toxicity of CuFe and Co-doped CuFe layered double hydroxides on algae: Insights into synthesis, growth inhibition, morphological changes, and antioxidative enzyme responses.Environmental Technology and Innovation
- 4. Melek Özkan*, Hilal Yılmaz, Pınar Ergenekon, Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Mustafa Erbakan. 2024; Microbial membrane transport proteins and their biotechnological applications. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 10.1007/s11274-024-03891-6
- 5. Esra Meşe Erdoğan and Melek Özkan. 2023.Chromium and Lead Phytoremediation with Water Hyacinth and Use of Contaminated Biomass as Feedstock for Biofuel Production. Biomass Conversion and Biorafinery;10.1007/s13399-023-04680-1
- 6. Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Pınar Karagöz, Melek Özkan* 2023. Bioethanol Production From Lignocellulosic wastes: Potentials and Challenges;In Bioethanol: A Green Energy Substitute for Fossil Fuels. Eds. Eriola Betiku, Mofoluwake M. Ishola. Chp.6. Springer.
- 7. Zeynep Büşra Çakır, Melek Özkan* 2023. Lipids and high-value astaxanthin produced in a cupboard byheterotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis: Improvement of process efficiency. Algal Research;
- 8. Hilal Yılmaz, Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Pınar Ergenekon, Melek Özkan*. 2023. Comparison of ion selectivities of nitrite channel NirC and water channel aquaporin. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.10.1007/s11274-023-03553-z
- 9. Hilal Yılmaz, Hilal Nisanur İbici, Esra Meşe Erdoğan, Zeynep Türedi, Pınar Ergenekon, Melek Özkan*. 2022. Nitrite is reduced by nitrite reductase NirB without small subunit NirD in Escherichia coli; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
- 10.Hilal Yılmaz and Melek Özkan*. 2022. Micropollutant removal capacity and stability of aquaporin incorporated biomimetic thin film composite membranes. Biotechnology Reports.Doi;10.1016/j.btre.2022.e00745
- 11. Zeynep Büşra Çakır, Hilal Yılmaz, Fatma Ertan, Aziz Tanrıseven,Melek Özkan*.2022. Carrot pomace alone supports heterotrophic growth and lipid production of Auxenochlorella protothecoides. Biomass Conversion and Biorafinery Doi10.1007/s13399-022-02683-y
- 12. Meşe Erdoğan, E., Karagöz P., Yılmaz E.,Özkan M*. 2022. "Biofuel production from agricultural waste" in Biodegradable Waste Menagement in the Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities. Kacprzak M, Attard E., Lyng A ., Raclavka H., Singh B (Edt). Chp. 18.5. Wiley.
- 13.Yılmaz H., Avaz G., Yetiş Ü.,Özkan M.* 2022."Toxicity of environmentally important micropollutants on three throphic level" Aquatic Research. 5(1):20-28
- 14.Can, F., Ökten HE., Ergön-Can, T., Ergenekon P., Özkan M., Erhan E. 2020. Thermodynamically designed target specific DNA probe as an electrochemical hybridization biosensor. Bioelectrochemistry. Vol 135. 107553.
- 15.Yılmaz H., Özdemir F.İ., Ergenekon, P., Özkan M*. 2020. Affinity tag effect on salt rejection potential of Halomonas elongata aquaporin incorporated in thin film nanocomposite membranes. Protein Expression and Purification. Vol 173. 105664.
- 16.Özturk A, Yıldız A, Yılmaz H, Ergenekon P., Özkan M*. 2020. Organic Solute Rejection Capacities of Escherichia coli and Halomonas elongata Aquaporin Incorporated Nanofiltration Membranes. Separation Science and Technology Vol 55. No. 13. 2362-2368.
- 17.Karagöz P, Bill R., Özkan M*. 2019. Review. Lignocellulosic ethanol production: Evaluation of new approaches, cell immobilization and reactor configurations. Renewable Energy 143: 741-752.
- 18.Avaz G., Küçüksezgin F., Tugrul S., Tan I., Gunay AS., Kuzyaka E., Ozkan M. 2018 Classification of sensitive and less sensitive areas along the Aegean coastal areas of Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 12A:9230-9244.
- 19.Çalıcıoğlu NG, Özdemir GO, Özturk A, Yıldız A, Yılmaz;H, Ergenekon P, Erbakan M, Erhan E, Ozkan M*. “Use of halophilic aquaporin for preparation of biomimetic thin film composite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science. 568(2018):105-112. (2018).
- 20.Özkan M*,Yılmaz H, Akay Çelik M, Şengezer Ç, Karagöz P, Erhan E, Keskinler B. Application of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus for reducing fouling of membranes used for wastewater treatment.T.J.Biochem. 42 (3):296-305 (2018).
- 21.Mansourri A, Rihani R*, Laoufi, AN,Ozkan M.Production of bioethanol from a mixture of agricultural feedstocks: Biofuels characterization. Fuel. 185:612-621 (2016)
- 22.Pınar Karagöz and Melek Özkan* Ethanol production from wheat straw by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Scheffersomyces stipitis co-culture in batch and continuous system. Bioresource Technology 158: 286-293 (2014)
- 23.Pınar Karagöz* and Melek Özkan*. Effect of Clostridium thermocellum activity on enzymatic hydrolysis of alkaline peroxide pretreated wheat straw. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 9(7): 25-31 (2014)
- 24. Pınar Karagöz, Melek Özkan* "Optimization of dilute acid and alkaline peroxide pretreatment to enhance bioethanol production from wheat straw by co-fermentation" TJ Biochemistry. Vol 38: 457-467 (2013).
- 25.Binnur Kıratlı Herand, Esra Karlık Şimşek, Mehmet Salim Öncel, Melek Özkan* "Continuous metal bioremoval by new bacterial isolates in immobilized cell reactor" Annals of Mcirobiology 64: 699-706 (2014).
- 26.Çöpür Y*, Tozluoğlu A, Özkan M. Evaluating pretreatment techniques for converting hazelnut husks to bioethanol. Bioresource Technology. Vol: 129: 182-190 (2013).
- 27. Elif Ölmezoğlu, Binnur Kıratlı Herand, Mehmet Salim Öncel, Kenan Tunç, Melek Özkan*. Copper bioremoval by novel bacterial isolates and their identification by 16SrRNA gene sequence analysis. Turk J Biol. 36:469-476 (2012).
- 28.Karagöz P, Rocha I V, Ozkan M*, Angelidaki I*. Alkaline peroxide pretreatment of rapeseed straw for enhancing bioethanol production by Same Vessel Saccharification and Co-Fermentation. Bioresource Technology 104:349-357 (2012).
- 29.Tan, İ, Erhan E, Karagöz, P. Özkan, M*.“Determination of Mercury and Nickel by an Amperometric Biosensor Prepared with Thermostable Lactate Dehydrogenase”. T Nonferr. Metal Soc. 21:2332-2338 (2011).
- 30. Ozkan M*., Erhan E., Terzi Ö., Tan, İ., Özöner, Ş. K., “Thermostable amperometric lactate biosensor with Clostridium thermocellum l-LDH for the measurement of blood lactate” Talanta. 79: 1412–1417 (2009).
- 31. Karagoz P., Erhan E., Keskinler B., M. Özkan* “The Use of Microporous Divinyl Benzene Co-Polymer for Yeast Cell Immobilization and ethanol production in Packed-bed Reactor”. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 152 (1):66-73. (2009).
- 32. Okay, S., Tefon, B., Özkan, M., G. Özcengiz*, “Expression of chitinase A (chiA) gene from Serratia marcescens Bn10 in Coleoptera-specific Bacillus thuringiensis”, J. Appl. Microbiol. 104(1), 161-170. (2008)
- 33. Özpınar, Ö, M. Özkan*, “Cellulose degradation and glucose accumulation by Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 under different cultural conditions”, Ann. Microbiol., 57 (3), 395-400 (2007)
- 34. Özkan, M., G. Özcengiz*, “Primary Structure of Carbohydrate-Binding Modules in Various Cellulolytic, Thermophilic, Anaerobic, Ethanol-Producing Isolates”, Turk. J. Biol., 30, 45-50 (2006).
- 35. Assa, P., Özkan, M., G. Özcengiz*, “Thermostability and Regulation of Clostridium thermocellum L-lactate Dehydrogenase Expressed in Escherichia coli”, Ann. Microbiol. 52 (3),193-197. (2005)
- 36. Kurt, A., Özkan, M., G. Özcengiz*, “Inorganic phosphate has a crucial effect on Cry3Aa Delta-endotoxin production” Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 41, 303-308 (2005)
- 37.Kurt, A., Özkan, M., Sezen, K., Demirbağ, Z., G. Özcengiz*, “Cry3Aa11: A new Cry3Aa d-endotoxin from a local isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis”, Biotechnol. Lett. 27,1117-1121 (2005)
- 38.Özkan, M., Yılmaz, E.İ., Lynd L.R., G. Özcengiz*,Cloning and expression of the Clostridium thermocellum L-lactate dehydrogenase gene in Escherichia coli and enzyme characterization”, Can. J. Microbiol. 50 (10), 845-851 (2004)
- 39.Özkan, M., Dilek, F., Yetiş, Ü., G. Özcengiz*, Nutritional and Cultural Parameters Influencing Antidipteran Delta-Endotoxin Production”, Res. Microbiol. 154, 49-53 (2002)
- 40.Özkan, M, Desai, S.G., Zhang, Y., Stevenson, D.M., Beane, J., Guerinot M.L., L.R. Lynd*, “Characterization of thirteen newly isolated strains of anaerobic, cellulolytic, thermophilic bacteria”, J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 27 (5), 275-280. (2001)
- 41.Gürsel, M.*, Tunca, S., Özkan, M., Özcengiz, G., G.N. Alaeddinoğlu, “Immunoadjuvant Action of Plasmid DNA in Liposomes”, Vaccine, 17, 1376-1383 (1999).
Conference Proceedings
1.Melek Özkan , Hilal Yılmaz , Esra Meşe Erdoğan and Pınar Ergenekon. Development of Enzyme-Based Amperometric Nitrite Biosensor Using Films of Chitosan and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes. 11-15 June. International Conference on Chemistry and Environment 2023. Venice Italy.
2.Özturk A., Yıldız A., Yılmaz H, Ergenekon P., Ozkan M. Effect of proteoliposome concentration on Salt Rejection Rate of Polysulfone Membrane Prepared by incorporation of Escherichia coli and Halomonas elongata aquaporins. 20th International Conference on Environmental Systems and Biotechnology. Amsterdam Netherlands May 10-11, 2018.
3.Özkan M, Çelik M, Karagöz P, Yılmaz H, Şengezer Ç. Activity of Bdellovibrio on Sludge bacteria and its potential use for cleaning of Membrane Bioreactors. 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, İskoçya 13-16 Temmuz 2014.
4.Özkan, M. Şengezer,Ç., Akay Çelik, M., Yılmaz, H., Keskinler, B., “Use of predator bacteria as bıological cleaning method for reducingmembrane fouling” MBR for next generation VI
Workshop. 11-12 Eylül 2014. Antalya (Sözlü sunum)- 5.Yılmaz H, Çelik M, Şengezer Ç, Özkan M. “Use of Bdellovibrio bacteriovirus as biological cleaning method for MBR systems” 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 30-31 Mayıs 2014, Londra. Proceedings book, p210-213.
- 6.Karagöz P, Özkan M; “Cellulolytic activities of ethanol producing anaerobic bacteria: clostridium thermocellum and a novel isolate” 36th FEBS Congress, Biochemistry for Tomorrows Medicine Location: Torino, ITALY Date: JUN 25-30, 2011. FEBS Journal 278 (1):152
- 7.Karagoz P, Ozkan M. “Continuous ethanol production from glucose and xylose by Pichia stipitis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Using an immobilized cell reactor.” 15th European Congress on Biotechnology. 23-26 September 2012, İstanbul-Turkey.
- 8.Herand B. K., Öncel, S. Özkan M. Bioremoval of heavy metals from synthetic waste water by local bacterial isolates immobilized on polymeric matrix . Curr Opin Biotech, Volume 22, Supplement 1, September 2011, Page S72.
- 9.Ö. Aydoğan, M. Özkan, G. Özcengiz, Ü. Mehmetoglu, “A New Approach for Cofactor Regeneration for Asymmetric Reduction of Prochiral Compounds”, 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-8 - 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology ECAB, 25-29 September 2011, Berlin, Germany.
- 10.O. Terzi, E. Erhan, I. Tan, S. Korkut, M. Ozkan. "Cloning, purification and immobilization of thermostable L-lactate dehydrogenase enzyme on polygluteraldehyde-pyrol polymer", 32nd FEBS Congress "Molecular Machines", The FEBS Journal, Volume 274, Suplement 1, 305, Viyena-Avusturya, 2007,
- 11.P. Karagöz, E. Erhan, B. Keskinler, M. Ozkan. "Ethanol productivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiea immobilized on polyHIPE polymer" 32nd FEBS Congress "Molecular Machines", The FEBS Journal, Volume 274, Suplement 1, Viyana-Avusturya, 2007.
- 12.Karagöz, P., Özkan, M.. Bioethanol Production from Wastes of Pulp and Paper Industry by Separate Microbial Hydrolysis and Fermentation (SHF), METU2009 International Symposium on Biotechnology: Developments and Trends. Ankara-Turkey, 2009.
- 13.Karagöz, P., M. Özkan., “Ethanol Production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Clostridium thermocellum culture with accumulated glucose.” First European Workshop on lignocellulose biorefineries, Danimarka, 2008.
- 14.Karagöz, P., Özkan, M. "Using Clostridium thermocellum and a new isolate to produce bioethanol from pulp and paper industry wastes and tissue paper" ULE2009 International Workshop on Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation, and Environment, 28 September-01 October 2009, Denizli
1.Öztürk A. Escherichia coli Aquaporin Z içeren nanofiltrasyon membranının üretiminin ve filtrasyon parametrelerinin optimizasyonu. YL Tez GTU 2019 (Danışman)
2.Turan E. Karbon nanotüp katkılı DNA biyosensörü tasarımı ve metilen mavisi ile ölçüm yönteminin optimizasyonu. YL Tez GTU 2018.
3. Avaz G. Kıyı yerleşimlerinde kentsel atıksu arıtma tesislerinin bütüncül bir yaklaşımla planlanması. Doktora Tez GTU 2019. (Danışman)
4. Yıldız A. Halofil kaynaklı su transfer proteini (akuaporin) ile modifiye edilmiş membranların tuz itme kapasitesinin optimizasyonu. YL Tez GTU (Danışman, devam ediyor).
5. Yılmaz E. Turkiye'de tarımsal katı atıkların biyoetanol üretiminde kullanım potansiyelinin belirlenmesi. YL Tez GTU (Danışman, Devam ediyor).
6.Özdemir G.Ö. Improving the salt rejection potential of membranes by using channel protein aquaporin of Halophilic bacterium, Halomonas elongata. Yuksek Lisans. 2017 GTU. (Danısman).
7. Birol N.G. EscherIchIa colI su transfer proteini (aquaporin) kullanılarak membran yapısının geliştirilmesi ve su geçirme kapasitesinin iyileştirilmesi. Yuksek Lisans. 017. GTU. (Danısman)
8 .Yılmaz H. Atıksu arıtımında membran filtrasyon performansının artırılmasında Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus'un biyofilm giderme etkisinin araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans. 2016. GTU. (Danışman).
9.Şengezer Ç. Avcı bakteri Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus'un atıksu arıtımında kullanılan membranların temizlenmesinde biyolojik yöntem olarak kullanımı. Yüksek Lisans. 2015. GTU. (Danışman).
10. Herand B. K. 2013. Tez konusu: Metale dirençli yerel bakteriyel izolatların karakterizasyonu ve biyogiderim kapasitelerinin incelenmesi.Yüksek Lisans. GYTE (Danışman)
11. Karagöz P.Tez konusu:Ko-fermentasyonla Lignoselülozik atıklardan biyoetanol üretimi. Doktora. GYTE 2013 (Danışman)
12. Soydan D. Buğday saplarından biyoetanol üretimi: asit hidrolizi ve enzimatik hidrolizin etkisi. Yüksek Lisans. GYTE 2012.(Danışman)
13. Karlık E. Demir Biyogiderimi İçin Etkin Mikroorganizmaların İzolsyonu ve Biyogiderim Kapasitelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans. GYTE. 2010. (Danışman)
14. Tan İ. Bazı Ağır Metal Ve Organik Kirleticilerin Laktat Dehidrogenaz Enzimi Üzerindeki Engelleyici Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi Ve Enzim İnhibisyonuna Dayalı Biyosensör Geliştirilmesi. Yüksek Lisans. GYTE. 2008 (Danışman)
15. Özpınar, Ö., “Termofilik selülolitik bakteri Clostridium thermocellum Kullanılarak selüloz ve selülozik atıkların parçalanması ve şeker birikiminin optimizasyonu”, Yüksek Lisans. GYTE. 2007. (Danışman)
16. Karagöz, P., “Tutuklanmış Maya Hücreleri (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Kullanılarak Sürekli Sistemde Etanol Üretimi”, Yüksek Lisans. GYTE. 2007. (Danışman)
17.  Ölmezoğlu E. Topraktan İzole Edilmiş Mikroorganizmalarla Farklı Koşullarda Bakır Giderimi. Yüksek Lisans Sakarya Üniversitesi 2009. (Yardımcı Danışman)
18. Orhan Özcan. Comparison of the effects of certain nutritional and cultural conditions on Lepidoptera-, Diptera-and Coleoptera-specific crystal protein production. M. Sc. Thesis. Biology Dept., METU 2008 (Co-advisor).
19. Aslıhan Kurt. Coleoptera-Spesific (Cry3Aa) Delta-Endotoxin Biosynthesis by a local isolate of B.t. subsp. tenebrionis, gene cloning and characterization. M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Dept., METU. 2005. (Co-advisor).
20. Sezer Okay. Cloning Of Chitinase A Gene (chiA) From Serratia marcescens Bn10 And Its Expression In Coleoptera-Specıfıc Bacillus thuringiensis M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Dept., METU. 2005. (Co-advisor).
- Third Cycle (Doctoral): Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyoteknoloji Bölümü
- Second Cycle (Master's): Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyoteknoloji Bölümü
- First Cycle (Undergraduate): Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyoloji Bölümü