
Assist. Prof. Diğdem ACAREL
Earth and marine sciences institute

+90 (262) 605 3376
, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri, 19
Areas of interest
Engineering seismology, 3D forward modeling of multiply scattered surface waves, 3D surface wave propagation in inhomogeneous media, Seismic interferometry, Borehole seismology

-Ergintav, S., Vernant, P., Tan, O., Karabulut, H., Özarpacı, S., Floyd, M., Konca, AÖ, Çakır, Z., Acarel, D., Çakmak, R., Vasyura-Bathke, H., Doğan, U., Kurt, Aİ., Özdemir, A., Ayruk, ET., Turğut, M., Ö Özel, Ö., Farımaz, İ., 2024. Unexpected far-field deformation of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes revealed by space geodesy, Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.ado422

-Acarel, D., 2023. Observations of Repeating Earthquakes at a Single Seismic Station Near Lake Sapanca, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 23 (6), 1533-1541.

-Kwiatek, G., Martínez-Garzón, P., Becker, D, Cotton, F., Beroza, G.C., Acarel, D., Ergintav, S. Bohnhoff, M., 2023. Months-long seismicity transients preceding the 2023 MW 7.8 Kahramanmaraş earthquake, Türkiye. Nature Communications, 14, 7534,

-Turhan, F., Acarel, D., Plicka, V., Bohnhoff, M., Polat, R., Zahradník, J., 2022. Coseismic Faulting Complexity of the 2019 Mw5.7 Silivri Earthquake in the Central Marmara Seismic Gap, Offshore Istanbul. Seismological Research Letters,

-Mutlu EC, Kaya Ö, Wood M, Mager I, Topkara KÇ, Çamsarı Ç, Birinci Yildirim A, Çetinkaya A, Acarel D, Odabaşı Bağcı J. Efficient Doxorubicin Loading to Isolated Dexosomes of Immature JAWSII Cells: Formulated and Characterized as the Bionanomaterial, Materials. 2020; 13(15):3344.

-Kilic T, Recai F. Kartal, Filiz T. Kadirioğlu, Marco Bohnhoff, Murat Nurlu, Diğdem Acarel, Patricia Martínez Garzon, Georg Dresen, Vedat Özsarac, Peter E. Malin, 2020. Geophysical Borehole Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault in the Eastern Sea of Marmara (GONAF): initial results, Journal of Seismology,

-Acarel, D., Cambaz, M., Turhan, F., Mutlu, A.K. and Polat, R., 2019. Seismotectonics of Malatya Fault, Eastern Turkey;Open Geosciences, 11(1), pp. 1098-1111, doi: 10.1515/geo-2019-0085, ISSN (Online) 2391-544.

-Bohnhoff, M., Dresen, G., Ceken, U., Kadirioglu, F.T., Kartal, R.F., Kilic, T., Nurlu, M., Yanik, K., Acarel, D., Bulut, F., Ito, H., Johnson, W., Malin, P.E. and Mencin, D., 2017. GONAF- the borehole Geophysical Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault in the eastern Sea of Marmara, Scientific Drilling, 22, 19-28.

-Acarel, D., F. Bulut, M. Bohnhoff and R.F. Kartal, Coseismic velocity change associated with the 2011 Van earthquake (M7.1): Crustal response to a major event, 2014, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060624.

-Acarel, D., F. Bulut and M. Bohnhoff, Ambient noise analysis in the eastern Sea of Marmara region in northwest Turkey: Lateral variations of the crustal velocity field, 2014, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120130160.


E. Tanülkü, D. Acarel, B. Kaypak, A detailed analysis of stress variations of the Gulf of Gökova and its surroundings, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, 2023.

F. Turhan, D. Acarel*, V. Plicka, M. Bohnhoff, R. Polat, J. Zahradník. Coseismic faulting complexity of the 2019 Mw5.7 Silivri earthquake in the central Marmara seismic gap, offshore Istanbul, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, 2023.

Acarel, D., Turhan, F., Plicka, V., Bohnhoff, M., Polat, R., Zahradnik, J., Earthquake faulting complexity documented in the Sea of Marmara: Mw 5.7 Silivri earthquake, Turkish-German Symposium on Seismotectonic Research in the Marmara Region Abstract Book, pp 29, Nurlu M., Bohnhoff M., Kuterdem K., Martínez-Garzón P., Yılmaz, A.S. (Eds.). DOI:

Perk Şükran, Acarel Digdem, Karabulut Hayrullah, Determining the crustal structure of Erzurum and its surroundings by ambient seismic noise analysis, Erzurum ve çevresinin kabuk yapısının artalan sismik gürültü analizi ile belirlenmesi, 6th International Conference on Earthquake, 13-15 October 2021, Gebze

Acarel Digdem, Turhan Fatih, Zahradnik Jiri, Plicka Vladimir, Polat Remzi, Earthquake faulting complexity documented in the Sea of Marmara, General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ESC, 19-24 September 2021

Digdem Acarel and Hayrullah Karabulut, Seismic Imaging of Central Anatolia, Turkey, ambient noise correlations, 2-7 September 2018, ESC, Valetta-Malta, ISBN: 978-88-98161-12-6.

Bohnhoff M., Dresen G., Ceken, U., Kadirioglu F., Kartal R.F., Kilic T., Nurlu M., Yanik K., Acarel D., Bulut F., Ito H., Johnson W., Malin P.E., Mencin D., “GONAF- A borehole Geophysical Observatory around the North Anatolian Fault in the Eastern Sea of Marmara”, Geophysical Research Abstracts
Vol. 19, EGU2017-6743, 2017, EGU General Assembly 2017

David Mencin, Marco Bohnhoff, Haluk Ozener, Glen Mattioli, Roger Bilham, Wade Johnson, Mike Gottlieb, Elizabeth Van Boskirk, Digdem Acarel, Fatih Bulut and Osman Bal, "Installation and Initial Results of Borehole Strainmeters around the Marmara Sea in Turkey", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-10935, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016

David Mencin, Marco Bohnhoff, Haluk Ozener, Roger Bilham, Glen Mattioli, Wade Johnson, Mike Gottlieb, Digdem Acarel, and Fatih Bulut, "Shallow and deep creep events observed and quantified with strainmeters along the SAF in Parkfield and the NAF in the Marmara" FaultLab Workshop 2016, 14-16 May 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

Wade Johnson, David Mencin, Roger G Bilham, Michael H Gottlieb, Elizabeth Van Boskirk, Kathleen Marian Hodgkinson, Glen S Mattioli, Digdem Acarel, Fatih Bulut, Marco Bohnhoff, Semih Ergintav, Osman Bal, Haluk Ozener,"Borehole Strainmeters and the monitoring of the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea" 12-16 December 2016, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA.

D. Mencin, H. Ozener; R. Bilham; B. Aktug; M. Bohnhoff; G. Mattiolli; W. Johnson; M. Gottlieb; D. Acarel; F. Bulut; Shallow and deep creep events observed and quantified withstrainmeters along the SAF in Parkfield and the NAF in the Marmara, 18th. General Assembly of WEGENER (WEGENER 2016), 12-15 September 2016, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

Bohnhoff, M., Dresen, G., Raub, C., Acarel, D., Kilic, T., Kartal, R. F., Kadirioglu, F. T., Nurlu, M., Bulut, F., Malin, P.E., Downhole Seismic Monitoring in the Istanbul/Eastern Sea of Marmara Region: The ICDP-GONAF Project, SSA Annual Meeting, Pasadena (2015)

Acarel, D., Bulut, F., Bohnhoff, M., Co-Seismic Velocity Change Associated With the 2011 M7.1 Van/Turkey Earthquake: Crustal Response to a Major Event, SSA Annual Meeting, Pasadena (2015)

Bohnhoff M., Dresen G., Acarel D., Raub C., Kilic T., Kartal R., Kadirioglu F., Nurlu M., Bulut F., Malin P., Downhole seismic monitoring in the Istanbul/Eastern Sea of Marmara Region: Recent results from the ICDP-GONAF Project, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12624, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015

Acarel, D., Bulut, F. and M., Bohnhoff, Coseismic velocity change following the 2011 Van earthquake (M7.1): Crustal response to a major event, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-15721, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014.

Acarel, D., Bulut, F. and M., Bohnhoff, Ambient noise analysis along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in Turkey: Lateral variations of the crustal velocity field, AGU American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 2013.

Acarel, D., Bulut, F. and M. Bohnhoff, Characterization of seismic velocity structure in the Sea of Marmara region, NW Turkey, using ambient noise field, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft 2013 ISSN 0344-7251, (DGG), Leipzig 2013.

Bohnhoff, M., Acarel, D., Aktar, M., Bulut, F., Dresen, G., Eken, T., Ickrath, M., Raub, C. (2012): Microseismic Monitoring of the Marmara Seismic Gap, NW Turkey: Recent Results from the PIRES Network and Challenges Ahead, Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (Ed.) (2012): 72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft: 5.–8. März 2012 in Hamburg, Hamburg: Univ., 376 p. DOI:, ISSN: 0344-7251.

Digdem Acarel, Fatih Bulut, Marco Bohnhoff, Characterization of seismic velocity structure in the Sea of Marmara region, NW Turkey, using ambient noise field, Noise and diffuse Wavefields Workshop, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany, 12-14November, Sonderband IV/2012, ISSN 0947-1944, 2012

Acarel, D., Bulut, F. and M. Bohnhoff, Characterization of seismic velocity structure in the Sea of Marmara region, NW Turkey, using ambient noise field, Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (Ed.) (2012): 72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft: 5–8 März 2012 in Hamburg, Hamburg: Univ., 376 p. DOI: ISSN: 0344-7251, 2012.

Acarel, D. and V. Maupin, Surface wave synthetic data in heterogeneous regions, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04234, 2006 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-0423, 2006.

Acarel, D. and V. Maupin, Surface wave synthetic seismograms in a 3D model of the Mid-Mediterranean region, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 04671, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-04671, 2005.

Edanur Tanülkü Al Jasım. Earthquake Focal Mechanism Analysis of the Gulf of Gökova and surroundings, 2023.

  • Third Cycle (Doctoral): Freie Universität Berlin, Institute für Geologische Wissenschaften

    Thesis Title: Characterization of the Crustal Velocity Field in Space and Time Using Ambient Seismic Noise, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff
  • Second Cycle (Master's): İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü

    Tez Başlığı: Mühendislik Sismolojisinde Yüzey Dalgası Yöntemleri, Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Argun Kocaoglu
  • First Cycle (Undergraduate): İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Maden Fakültesi, Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü
-Türkiye’ nin P-dalgası hız yapısının ve manto süreksizliklerinin sismik gürültü çapraz-ilişki metodu ile görüntülenmesi TÜBİTAK BİDEB 2232 (Proje No: 117C009)
-ICDP-GONAF: a Geophysical Borehole Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault (
-Seismic anisotropy in the eastern Sea of Marmara region using ambient seismic noise correlations (DFG, Grant no. Bo1877/5)
-Characterization of the seismic velocity field at different phases of the seismic cycle (DFG, Grant no.Bo1877/6-1)
-CO2SINK CO2 storage at the Ketzin pilot site/Germany (Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative HAI)
-CLEAN BMBF-Verbundproject: Industry-scale CO2 storage at the gasfield Altmark/Germany)(Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative HAI)
-SPICE Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network: Seismic surface wave propagation in 3D structures (Marie Curie Research Training Network in the 6th framework of European Commission,

Work experience:
Processing Geophysicist; Geotrace NORGE AS, c/o Wavefield Inseis, Lysaker, Norway.