
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayten KOÇ

Ayten KOÇ
+90 (262) 605 13 87
Web page
Business Administration Building, Z17
Areas of interest
Associative Rings, Algebras and Their Representations

Suat Sert "Leavitt Yol Cebirlerinin İdeallerinin Sınıflandırılması", Düzce Üniversitesi, Matematik Bölümü, 2020 (Eş Danışman).

  • Third Cycle (Doctoral): Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Matematik.
  • Second Cycle (Master's): Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Matematik.
  • First Cycle (Undergraduate): Yıldız Üniversitesi, Matematik.

TUBITAK (the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council) 2247 BİÇABA Birlikte Çalışıp Birlikte Başaracağız Burs Programı, Project Number: 122F414 "The Structure and Representations of Leavitt Path Algebras" (Principal Investigator/Project leader) 2023/1 (6 months).

TUBITAK (the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council) 1001, Project Number: 122F5414, "The Structure and Representations of Leavitt Path Algebras" (Principal Investigator/Project leader) 2023-2026.

TUBITAK BIDEP 2219, International Postdoctoral Research, University of Oklahoma, USA, 2021-2022.

TUBITAK (the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council) 1001, Project Number: 115F511, "The Structure and Representations of Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Gelfand-Krillov Dimension" (Principal Investigator/Project leader) 2016-2018.

TUBITAK BIDEP 2219, International Postdoctoral Research, University of Oklahoma, USA, 2014-2015.

TUBITAK IŞBAP, Project Number: 107T897, "Mathematical Research Collaboration Network: Algebra and Its Applications" (Researcher in the Ring and Module Theory Group) 15.01.2008-15.01.2012.