Prof. Dr.
Uygar Halis TAZEBAY
Molecular Biology and Genetics

- Phone
- +90 (262) 6052522
- Office
- Block C2, 210
- Areas of interest
- Functional genomics, Molecular regulation of cytokinesis, Cellular solute transport and transcriptional regulation of transporter protein encoding genes.
- Detailed CV
- Tazebay CV ENG.pdf
Telkoparan P, Erkek S, Yaman E, Alotaibi H, Bayik D, Tazebay UH. Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 124 is a novel centrosome and midbody protein that interacts with the Ras-guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1B and is involved in cytokinesis. PLoS One, Vol. 8(7), July 2013, e69289.
Akturk M, Sargin-Oruc A, Danisman N, Erkek S, Buyukkagnici U, Unlu E, Tazebay UH. Na+/I- symporter and type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase gene expression in amniotic membrane and placenta and its relationship to maternal thyroid hormones. Biological Trace Element Research, Vol. 154(3), July 2013, 338-344.
Cevik SI, Keskin N, Belkaya S, Ozlu MI, Deniz E, Tazebay UH, Erman B. CD81 interacts with the T cell receptor to suppress signaling. PLoS One, Vol. 7(11), November 2012, e50396.
Yavas S, Erdogan M, Gurel K, Ilday FÖ, Burak Eldeniz Y, Tazebay UH. Fiber laser microscope system for femtosecond photodisruption of biological samples. Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 3(3), March 2012, 605-611.
Erdogan M, Oktem B, Kalaycioglu H, Yavas S, Mukhopadhyay P, Aykac Y, Tazebay UH, Ilday FÖ. Texturing of titanium (Ti6Al4V) medical implant surfaces with MHz-repetition-rate femtosecond and picosecond Yb-doped fiber lasers. Optics Express, Vol. 19(11), May 2011, 10986-10996.
Alotaibi H, Yaman E, Salvatore D, Di Dato V, Telkoparan P, Di Lauro R, Tazebay UH. Intronic elements in the Na+/I- symporter gene (NIS) interact with retinoic acid receptors and mediate initiation of transcription. Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 38(10), June 2010, 3172-3185.
Mumcuoglu M, Bagislar S, Yuzugullu H, Alotaibi H, Senturk S, Telkoparan P, Gur-Dedeoglu B, Cingoz B, Bozkurt B, Tazebay UH, Yulug IG, Akcali KC, Ozturk M. The ability to generate senescent progeny as a mechanism underlying breast cancer cell heterogeneity. PLoS One, Vol. 24;5(6). June 2010, E-publication: e11288.
Yaman E, Gasper R, Koerner C, Wittinghofer A, Tazebay UH. RasGEF1A and RasGEF1B are guanine nucleotide exchange factors that discriminate between Rap GTP-binding proteins and mediate Rap2-specific nucleotide exchange. FEBS Journal, Vol. 276(16), August 2009, 4607-4616.
Tuncel M, Aydın D, Yaman E, Tazebay UH, Güç D, Doğan AL, Taşbasan B, Uğur Ö. The comparative effects of gene modulators on thyroid specific genes and radioiodine uptake. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, Vol. 22(3), April 2007, 281-288.
Alotaibi H, Yaman-Çankaya E, Demirpençe E, Tazebay UH. Unliganded estrogen receptor-alpha activates transcription of the mammary gland Na+/I- symporter gene. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol. 345(4), July 2006, 1487-1496.
Tavoularis SN, Tazebay UH, Diallinas G, Rosa A, Scazzocchio C, Sophianopoulou V. Mutational analysis of the major proline transporter of (PrnB) of Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular Membrane Biology, Vol. 20(4), October-December 2003, 285-297.
Tazebay UH, Wapnir IL, Levy O, Dohan O, Zuckier LS, Zhao QH, Deng HF, Amenta PS, Fineberg S, Pestell RG, Carrasco N. The mammary gland iodide transporter is expressed during lactation and in breast cancer.” Nature Medicine, Vol. 6(8), August 2000, 871-878.
Tazebay UH, Sophianopoulou V, Scazzocchio C, Diallinas G. The gene encoding the major proline transporter of Aspergillus nidulans is upregulated during conidiospore germination and in response to proline induction and amino acid starvation.” Molecular Microbiology, Vol. 24(1), April 1997, 105-117.
Tazebay UH, Sophianopoulou V, Cubro B, Scazzocchio C, Diallinas G. Post-transcriptional control and kinetic characterization of proline transport in germinating conidiospores of Aspergillus nidulans.” FEMS Microbiology Letters, 132(1), October 1995, 27-37.
Tazebay UH, Sophianopoulou V, Rosa A, Scazzocchio C, Diallinas G. Structure-function analysis of the proline permease (PrnB) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans.” Folia Microbiologica, Vol. 39(6), October 1994, 551.
- BSB 503 Cell Molecular Biology
- CBRN 511 Biodefense
- CBRN 513 Biosensors
- CBRN 515 Microbial Enzymes in Biological Defense
- CBRN 517 Immunoglobulins Against Biological Agents
- CBRN 519 Biological Warfare Agents and Detection Technologies
- CBRN 528 Agricultural Bioterorism and Biotechnology
- CBRN 529 Nanotechnology in Defense
- CBRN 534 Operational Prıncıples of Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory to Study Highly Patogenic Mikroorganisms
- CBRN 537 Chemical Warfare Agents, Toxic Industrial Chemicals and Their Detection Methods
- CBRN 538 Large Scale Antibody Production
- CBRN 543 Toxicology
- CBRN 545 Recombinant DNA Technology
- CBRN 591 Seminar I
- CBRN 599 Thesis Study
- MBG 222 Molecular Genetics I
- MBG 324 Molecular Genetics II
- MBG 401 Writing Rules And Ethics Of Scientific Research
- MBG 739 Special Topics In Molecular Cell Biology
Directed Ph.D.Thesis / Doktora Tezleri:
1. Hani ALOTAIBI, Ph.D., "Identification of novel genetic elements controlling transcriptional regulation of the human Na+/I- symporter (NIS) gene", 1/2001 – 7/2006
2. Elif YAMAN, Ph.D., "Functional identification of RasGEF1 family of exchange factors as activators of Rap2, and as interacting partners of Ccdc-124", 9/2003 – 12/2009
3. Mutlu ERDOĞAN, Ph.D., "Application of Femtosecond Fiber Lasers for Manipulating Neuronal Dynamics", 9/2007 – 2/2014
4. Pelin TELKOPARAN, Ph.D., "Regulation of RasGEF1 (Ras-Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor-1) family of proteins and their involvement in control of Rap2 GTP-binding protein modulated signal transduction", 9/2009 – 06/2013
Directed M.Sc. Thesis / Yönettiği Yüksek Lisans Çalışmaları:
1. Sinem GÜL, MSc., "CRISPR/Cas9 yöntemi aracılığı ile İnsan Ccdc124 geni delesyonunun hücre bölünmesi üzerine etkileri", 1/2013 – 7/2015
2. Özge ARSLAN, MSc., "Coiled-coil domain-containing protein-124 (Ccdc124) artışının hücre fizyolojisine ve bölünmesine etkileri", 1/2013 – 1/2015
3. Irem GÜRBÜZ, MSc., "Monoclonal antibody production for Coiled-coil domain containing-124 (Ccdc-124) and its molecular characterization", 9/2008 – 8/2010
4. Serap ERKEK, MSc., "Hanein-1, a novel conserved eukaryotic protein ubiquitously expressed in human tissues", 9/2006 – 8/2008
5. Esra KARAKÖSE, MSc., "Functional characterization of Loc115098: A novel gene conserved in eukaryotic genomes", 9/2004 – 1/2007
6. Neriman Tuba GÜLBAĞCI, MSc., "Estradiol dependent transcriptional regulation of hNIS", 9/2000 – 8/2002
Third Cycle (Doctoral): 1998-University of Paris 11.
Analyse mutationelle et étude de la regulation du gène prnB impliqué dans le transport de la proline chez Aspergillus nidulans (Mutational analysis and study on regulation of gene prnB involved in proline uptake in Aspergillus nidulans). Defended on the 10th of July, 1998.
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio SCAZZOCCHIO -
Second Cycle (Master's): 1994-University of Paris 11.
Analyse du structure/fonction du gène prnB impliqué dans le transport de la proline chez Aspergillus nidulans (Structure/function analysis of gene prnB involved in proline uptake in Aspergillus nidulans). Defended on the 9th of September, 1994.
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio SCAZZOCCHIO -
First Cycle (Undergraduate): Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyoloji Bölümü (1993)
Middle East Technical University, Department of Biology (1993)
1998-2000, Research Associate, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM), Bronx, New York, USA.
"Methods for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer."
United States Patent No. 6,821,725. Patent filing date: Mar. 7, 2000; Patent date: Nov. 23, 2004. Inventors: Drs. Nancy CARRASCO (New York, USA), Orsolya DOHAN (New York, USA), Uygar H. TAZEBAY (Bilkent, Turkey), Irene L. WAPNIR (Stanford, USA).
"Methods for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer."
United States Patent No. 7,303,740. Patent filing date: Oct. 8, 2004; Patent date: Dec. 4, 2007. Inventors: Drs. Nancy CARRASCO (New York, USA), Orsolya DOHAN (New York, USA), Uygar H. TAZEBAY (Bilkent, Turkey), Irene L. WAPNIR (Stanford, USA).