Prof. Dr.
Saadettin Haluk Çitçi
- Phone
- +90 (262) 605 14 21
- Office
- Business Administration Building, 202
- Areas of interest
- Applied Theory, Industrial Economics, and Behavioral Finance
- Detailed CV
- CV.pdf
Makale ve Kitap Bölümleri
●Information Exchange in Price Setting Mixed Duopoly, in Frontiers of Dynamic Games, 2020.
●Macroeconomic Conditions at Workforce Entry and Job Satisfaction, International Journal of Manpower, 40 (2019), 879--893 (with Nazire Beğen)
●The Masquerade Ball of the CEOs and the Mask of Excessive Risk (with Eren Inci), Economic Modelling, 2016. SSCI
●Career Concerns and Bayesian Overconfidence of Managers (with Eren Inci), Internatinal Journal of Industrial Organization, 2016. SSCI
●Incentive Roots of Managerial (Excessive) Risk Taking and an Assessment of Policy Responses, International Review of Economics and Management, 2016.
●Overconfidence in Classroom (with Serhat Erat and Kurtuluş Demirkol), CADMO, 2016. SSCI
●A Sector Based Analysis of Education-Occupation Mismatch in Turkish Labor Market (with Mesut Karakas, Murat A. Mercan, Mehmet Babacan), Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice (ESTP), 2015. SSCI
●The Rise of Monogamy, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2014. SSCI
●Agency and Transparency in Financial Markets, Journal of Management and Economics. (This paper awarded 2nd place at 2014 Hakan Orbay Research Award)
●Capacity Choice in a Price-Setting Mixed Oligopoly under Demand Uncertainty (with Mesut Karakas), International Review of Economics and Management, 2014.
Kongre ve Seminerler
●Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, 2019.
●Durham Economic Theory Conference, 2019.
●International Meeting on Game Theory, 2019.</span>
●13th Nordic conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 2018.
●International Conference on Economics TEA, 2018.
●Gamenet Action Conference Krakow, 2018.
●3rd International Congress on Economics, Finance and Energy, 2018.
●TEPAV Meetings, 2017.
●Borsa Istanbul Finance & Economics Conference, 2013.
●All Istanbul Economics Workshop, Sabanci University, 2013.
●I. International SMEs Conference, 2013.
●CEE Conference - Macroeconomic and Financial Imbalances, 2012.
●Istanbul Economics and Finance Workshop, Istanbul, 2011.</span>
●Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference, Istanbul, 2011.
●International Conference on Economics (TEA), Girne, 2010.
●Istanbul Economics and Finance Workshop, Istanbul, 2010.
●Sabanci University .HSE Workshop, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 2010.
●The Association for Public Economic Theory Conference, 2010.
●IV. Winter Workshop in Economics, Koç University, Istanbul, 2010.
●Emre Özçakmak: (Thesis Supervisor) The Effects of Natural Gas and Coal Futures Prices on Electricity Spot Prices in USA: Cointegration Analysis, 2015 (MSc student at the University of Twente).
●Zeynel Harun: (PhD, Committee Member) Essays in Microeconomic Theory, 2015 (Central Bank of Turkey).
●Fatih Çakmak: (Committee Member) An Alternative Approach to Market Definition in the Antitrust Analysis of Hospital Mergers, 2015 (PhD student at the University of Pittsburgh).
●Ugur Erdogan: (Thesis Supervisor) Alternative Approaches to Motor Vehicle Tax in Turkey, 2016.
●Sadık Hazer: (Thesis Supervisor) Information Sharing inMixed Oligopolies, 2017 (PhD student at the Gebze Technical University).
●Abdullah Altun: (PhD, Committee Member) Essays on Global Value Chains and Their Macroeconomic Effects, 2017 (The Scientic and Technological Research Council of Turkey).
●Elif Bike Osun: (Committee Member) Excess Capacity in a Mixed Oligopoly, 2017 (PhD student at the University of Maryland).
●Muhammed Abdullah Altundal: (Committee Member) Competition and Welfare in the Turkish Credit Markets, 2017.
●Nazire Begen: (Thesis Supervisor) Workforce Entry Conditions and Job Satisfaction, 2017 (PhD student at the Gebze Technical University).
●Hossein Hosseini: (Committee Member) Business Cycle Accounting in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Turkey, 2018.
●Sinem Balkuvar: (Committee Member) The Quality of Immigrant Human Capital and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes, 2018.
●Kübra Üge: (Thesis Supervisor) Parking in City Center and Information Exchange, 2019.
- Third Cycle (Doctoral): Sabanci Üniversitesi
- Second Cycle (Master's): Toulouse School of Economics, Fransa
First Cycle (Undergraduate): London School of Economics
Visiting Professor, University of Zurich 2023 - 2024
Vice Dean Faculty of Business Administration, Gebze Technical University 2018 - 2022
Vice Chair Dept. of Economics, Gebze Technical University 2018 - 2023
Management Committee Member, COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology) for the European Network for Game Theory Action, 2018 - present
Principal Investigator, “Game Theoretical Analysis of Information Sharing in Mixed Oligopolies” TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), 2018 - present
Committee Member, The Sectoral Performance Evaluation Awards, Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, 2018 - present
Researcher, TEPAV (The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey), 2017-2018
Director, Revolving Fund Management, Gebze Technical University, 2015 – 2016
Organizing Committee, I. International SMEs Conference, Turkey, 2013
Assistant, “The Economic Analysis of Garage and Curbside Parking in Downtown Areas” TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), 2011 – 2013
Local Organizing Committee, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference - Turkey, 2010
Assistant, “The Effect of the Exchange Rate Policy on Sovereign Default Risk in Developing Countries” TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), 2008
Researcher, Economic Research Department, TUSIAD (Turkish Industry & Business Assocation), 2007
Second Prize Article Award, Hakan Orbay Research Award (2014)
Sabanci University Full Scholarship for Ph.D. in Economics (2007-2012)
University of London Academic Achievement Award (2003)
Istanbul Bilgi University Full Scholarship for Undergraduate in Economics (2000-2005)