Faculty Members

Yusuf  Sinan AKGÜL
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sinan AKGÜL
Email: akgul@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 204
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 21
Computer Vision and Graphics, medical imaging and image analysis, artificial intelligence, natural language processing and generation, machine learning, pattern recognition, industrial inspection
Prof. Dr. Hasari ÇELEBİ
Email: hcelebi@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 218
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 08
Semantic Communications, Holographic Communications, Machine Learning, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing, Localization and Positioning, Detection and Estimation Theory.
Didem GÖZÜPEK<br /><span style='font-style=bold;'>(Chair)</span>
Prof. Dr. Didem GÖZÜPEK
Email: didem.gozupek@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 237
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 17
Structural and algorithmic graph theory, optimization problems in communication networks
Prof. Dr. İbrahim SOĞUKPINAR
Email: ispinar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 301-249
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 01- 605 22 11
Data and Network Security, Cyber Security, Computer Networks, IT Applications
Prof. Dr. Erkan ZERGEROĞLU
Email: e.zerger@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 202
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 12
- Model based control of nonlinear electromechanical systems
- Partial state and Output feedback controller designs
- Adaptive, Learning and Robust uncertainty compansators
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet GÖKTÜRK
Email: gokturk@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, BM-205
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 09
Human Computer Interaction, Input Devices, User Interface Design and Evaluation, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Multimodal Interfaces, Data Mining, Usability & Software Engineering, Medical Apps.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil KALKAN
Email: hkalkan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 252
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2409
Machine Learning, Data Fusion, Image/Signal Processing, Hyperspectral Image Processing, Statistical Data Analysis,Biomedical Image Processing, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Automated Systems.
Assist. Prof. Tülay AYYILDIZ
Email: tulayayyildiz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 232
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 16
Symbolic-Numeric Computation, Cryptography, Computer Assisted Proofs, Fast Algorithms
Assist. Prof. Alp Arslan BAYRAKÇİ
Email: abayrakci@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, Room 241
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 18
Statistical Timing Analysis, Integrated Circuits, Computer Aided Design, Hardware Security
Yakup GENÇ
Assist. Prof. Yakup GENÇ
Email: yakup.genc@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 251
Phone: +90 (262) 605-2220
Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Robotics & UAVs, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, HCI for Special Education.
Salih SARP
Assist. Prof. Salih SARP
Email: salih@gtu.edu.tr
Office: , 253
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2222


Gökhan KAYA
Dr. Gökhan KAYA
Email: gokhankaya@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 218
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 27
Computational Neuroscience


Fatma Nur ESİRCİ
Dr. Fatma Nur ESİRCİ
Email: fesirci@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 121
Phone: +90 (262) 605 24 40
Hardware Security, Statistical Timing Analysis, side-channel attacks, Cryptographic Implementations
Res. Asst. Ferda ABBASOĞLU
Email: ferdaabbasoglu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 119
Phone: +90 (262) 605 24 41
Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Biosignal Processing
Enes Abdülhalik
Res. Asst. Enes Abdülhalik
Email: e.abdulhalik@gtu.edu.tr
Office: ,
Phone: +90 (262)
Ümit Murat AKKAYA
Res. Asst. Ümit Murat AKKAYA
Email: umit.akkaya@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 124
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 33
Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Image Processing
Res. Asst. İlhan AYTUTULDU
Email: iaytutuldu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 108
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 29
speech and language processing, signal processing, computer vision, deep learning
Mustafa Salih BAHAR
Res. Asst. Mustafa Salih BAHAR
Email: mustafabahar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: ,
Phone: +90 (262)
Res. Asst. Zehra BİLİCİ
Email: zbilici@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 108
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 29
Neslihan Bengisu ÇOLAK
Res. Asst. Neslihan Bengisu ÇOLAK
Email: nbengisucolak@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 122
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 32
Cyber Security
Arif Burak DİKMEN
Res. Asst. Arif Burak DİKMEN
Email: a.dikmen2022@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 124
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 33
Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Mobile Networks
Res. Asst. Sibel GÜLMEZ
Email: sgulmez2018@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 122
Phone: +90 (262) 605 22 32
Cyber Security, Cod Analysis, Malware Detection, Software Security
Mehmet Burak KOCA
Res. Asst. Mehmet Burak KOCA
Email: b.koca@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 119
Phone: +90 (262) 605 24 41
Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Graph Applications, Metaheuristics Optimization
Sümeyye ÜNSÜR
Res. Asst. Sümeyye ÜNSÜR
Email: skaymak@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block A2, 124
Phone: +90 (262) (262) 605 22 33