Geotechnical Laboratory

In the Geotechnical laboratory, experiments in the soil mechanics course content of the Civil Engineering undergraduate program are carried out. In addition, it is open to Gebze Technical University students for many experimental master's and doctoral theses. The Geotechnical Laboratory, which has an area of ​​150 m², allows classes to be held with groups of 25 students.


The equipment in the laboratory is in accordance with ASTM requirements. Many tests such as sieve analysis, hydrometer test, liquid and plastic limit tests, constant and falling head permeability tests, proctor tests, CBR test, consolidation test can be performed here. Information about the tests is provided below.


iç mekan, duvar, Alüminyum, çelik içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu iç mekan, duvar, tavan, suya batmak, lavabo içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

(Gebze Technical University Civil Engineering Geotechnical Laboratory)



Available Materials and Experimental Equipments


1. Hand Operated Auger Boring Set


The Hand operated auger boring set allows manual sampling of up to 5 meters from the field. The materials in the set are shown in Figure 1.

ev alet ve edevatı, tasarım, alet içeren bir resim

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

Figure 1. Hand Operated Auger Boring Set


Hand Operated Auger Boring Set consists of a T-Handle with 1 m Rod, 1 m Extension Rod, 80 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm diameter Auger Heads.


2. Sieve Analysis


Sieve analysis test is performed to determine the grain size distribution in soils. The soil material is passed through a series of standard sieves with different opening values ​​and the test is performed. The amount of material remaining on each sieve is measured and the grain size distribution graph of the soil is drawn. The sieves available in our laboratory are presented in Table 1 and Figure 2.


Table 1. Testing Sieves

Sieve Number

Opening Size (mm)

No. 1 3/4


No. 1 1/2


No. 3/4


No. 3/8"
















makine, mühendislik, çelik, maden içeren bir resim

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

Figure 2. Soil Mechanics Sieves


3. Hydrometer Test


The hydrometer test is a test used to experimentally determine the grain size distribution of fine-grained soils (silts and clays). This test uses Stoke's law, which shows that the sedimentation rate of spherical solids in a suspension varies depending on their grain size. The materials of hydrometer test set are shown in Figure 3.


duvar, iç mekan, tasarım, ekipman içeren bir resim

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

Figure 3. Hydrometer Test Set


The following materials are included in the Hydrometer Test Set;

  • - Hydrometer bath (with heater, circulation unit and thermostate)
  • - 151H Hydrometer or 152H  Hydrometer (alternatively available ) (1 pcs)
  • - Hydrometer Jar (Sedimentation cylinder), 1000 ml (6 pcs) and rubber stopper (1 pcs)
  • - Beaker, 600 cc (1 pcs)
  • - Sodium hexametaphosphate 1 kg


4. Plastic Limit Test Set


This test is perform to find the plastic limit value of the soil. The test equipment are shown in Figure 4.