Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Sedat ALKOY
Email: sedal@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası - Ofis: 220
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 39
• Synthesis and characterization of thin films • Ferroelectrics fatigue • Smart materials, systems • Design, fabrication, characterization and FEM modeling of piezoelectric transducers for SONAR
Erdem ATAR
Prof. Dr. Erdem ATAR
Email: atar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block M, 118
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 51
Prof. Dr. Yücel GENÇER
Email: gencer@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H, 111
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 64
Metallic Materials, biomaterials, Surface Modifications of Al, Mg, Ti, Zr, Fe and their alloys, Microarc Oxidation, Boronizing, Alloy Development, Casting, Plasma-surface modification
Ebru MENŞUR <br /><span style='font-style=bold;'>(Chair)</span>
Prof. Dr. Ebru MENŞUR
Email: ebrualkoy@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 207
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 68
Fabrication and electromechanical characterization of lead-based/free piezoelectrics/ferroelectrics in thin film, bulk, piezocomposites form; energy harvesting; electrocaloric effect & cooling
Ahmet Yavuz ORAL
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yavuz ORAL
Email: aoral@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, H2 Blok, 211
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 57
Biomaterials, Biosensors, Thin film coatings with sol-gel
Prof. Dr. Koray ÖZTÜRK
Email: k.ozturk@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası - 218
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 37
Semiconducting Photocatalyst Oxides
Prof. Dr. Orhan ŞAHİN
Email: osahin@gtu.edu.tr
Office: , 0
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 47
Mehmet Tarakçı
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tarakçı
Email: mtarakci@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 110
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 63
MAO, PEO, Boriding, High Temperature Oxidation of Metals, Biomaterials, Magnetic Materials, Alloys, Welding Metallurgy and Powder Metallurgy
Yahya Kemal TÜR
Prof. Dr. Yahya Kemal TÜR
Email: yktur@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malz. Bil. ve Müh. No:208
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 40
Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic Matrix Composites;
Metal Reinforced Ceramic Composites
Metin USTA
Prof. Dr. Metin USTA
Email: ustam@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 120
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 55
Hüseyin YILMAZ
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ
Email: h.yilmaz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block GE, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası, 219
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 38
Ceramic processing
Colloid chemistry
Electroceramics (Dielektrics, ferroelectrics, semiconducting ceramics)
Carbon fiber reinforced ceramics
Nano thermal analysis
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlke ANAÇ ŞAKIR
Email: ilkeanac@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 212
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 49
Polymer adsorption, Polymer Surface Modification, Monolayers, Thin film modification, Responsive Hydrogel Thin Films, SPR/SPFS based biosensors, Self-healing polymers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aligül BÜYÜKAKSOY
Email: aligul@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 109
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2662
Solid oxide fuel/electrolysis cells, solid state electrochemistry, ionic conductor ceramics, mixed ionic-electronic conductor ceramics, ceramic processing, impedance spectroscopy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan TAMSÜ SELLİ
Email: ntamsu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 108
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 61
Salim Levent AKTUĞ
Assist. Prof. Salim Levent AKTUĞ
Email: saktug@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 121
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 56
Biomaterials, Biomedical Coatings, Oxide Coatings, Micro Arc Oxidation, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation, Electro-spark Deposition, Surface Modification, Zirconium, Magnesium, Aluminum.
Abdülkerim GÖK
Assist. Prof. Abdülkerim GÖK
Email: agok@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 122
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2657
Performance of photovoltaic modules and module materials, weathering degradation tests, statistical methods for materials research, data analysis
Kerem Özgür GÜNDÜZ
Assist. Prof. Kerem Özgür GÜNDÜZ
Email: gunduz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 112
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 65
High Temperature Corrosion of Metallic Materials, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation.
Assist. Prof. Merve MOCAN
Email: mmocan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 107
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2669
Sustainable polymer(composite)s (biodegradable, bio-based, re(up)cycled) Controlled/living polymerization Block copolymer self-assembly Stimuli-responsive polymeric membranes Polymer nanocomposi


Ömer Faruk DENİZ
Instructor Ömer Faruk DENİZ
Email: odeniz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 02626052702
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis, TEM Sample Preparation, Metallography, Wear Analysis, Scratch Test, Optical Emission Analyzes, Surface Roughness (Profilometer)
Dr. Namık Kemal GÖZÜAÇIK
Instructor Dr. Namık Kemal GÖZÜAÇIK
Email: nkgozuacik@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Hatice Yasemin İSKENDER
Instructor Hatice Yasemin İSKENDER
Email: hyiskender@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z44
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 14
Ahmet Nazım
Instructor Ahmet Nazım
Email: anazim@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z44
Phone: +90 (262) 2714
Instructor Dr. Nihan ŞENGÖKMEN ÖZSÖZ
Email: nihans.ozsoz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 113
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2666
Porous polymers, Emulsion templating, 3D printing, Vat photopolymerization, Electroless Deposition, Pyrolysis, Pyrolitic carbon, Fabrication of hierarchically porous metallic/carbon structures


M. Taha Demirkan
Dr. M. Taha Demirkan
Email: mtdemirkan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 117
Phone: +90 (262) 6052737
PVD Thin Film Production
Lithium Ion Batteries
Silicon Anodes
Mehmet ALKAN
Res. Asst. Mehmet ALKAN
Email: mehmetalkan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Dr. Neslihan BAŞARAN
Res. Asst. Dr. Neslihan BAŞARAN
Email: nengin@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Glass-Ceramics and Production Methods, Bioglass-ceramics, Sustainable Waste Utilization, Functional Coatings, SOFC Sealing Elements.
Res. Asst. Kübranur ÇATALBAŞ
Email: kcatalbas2018@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Doğancan CEYLAN
Res. Asst. Doğancan CEYLAN
Email: dceylan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 0000000
High Entropy Alloys,Alloy Development and Characterization, Nitriding, Boronizing, Aluminizing
Res. Asst. Kral COŞAN
Email: k.cosan2019@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
Abdullah Hilmi COŞAR
Res. Asst. Abdullah Hilmi COŞAR
Email: ahcosar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
• Composite-Biocomposite Materials
• Thin Film Deposition Techniques
Res. Asst. Berke GÜLTEKİN
Email: berkegultekin@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 89
Dr. Memnune KARDEŞ
Res. Asst. Dr. Memnune KARDEŞ
Email: memnunedaglar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Semiconductor Photocatalysts, ZnO Nanostructures, TiO2 Nanostructures, ZnO/Polymer Hybrid Structures, Graphene Oxide, Wastewater Treatment, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Removal
Res. Asst. Ahmet KAVUKCU
Email: akavukcu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 89
Seda KOL
Res. Asst. Seda KOL
Email: sedakol@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z41-İnce Film Laboratuvarı
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 12
Res. Asst. Murat MURUTOĞLU
Email: m.murutoglu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Electroceramics, Cold Sintering Process (CSP), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
Dr. Mehmet SEZER
Res. Asst. Dr. Mehmet SEZER
Email: mehmetsezer@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z41-İnce Film Laboratuvarı
Phone: +90 (262) 6052712
Biomaterials, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Thin Films
Email: mervetormankayalar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
Tuğçe UCUN
Res. Asst. Tuğçe UCUN
Email: tucun2018@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Cold Sintering
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Res. Asst. Ezgi YALÇIN
Email: e.yalcin2021@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22