Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. Sedat ALKOY
Email: sedal@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası - Ofis: 220
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 39
• Synthesis and characterization of thin films • Ferroelectrics fatigue • Smart materials, systems • Design, fabrication, characterization and FEM modeling of piezoelectric transducers for SONAR
Prof. Dr. Erdem ATAR
Email: atar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block M, 118
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 51
Prof. Dr. Yücel GENÇER
Email: gencer@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H, 111
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 64
Metallic Materials, biomaterials, Surface Modifications of Al, Mg, Ti, Zr, Fe and their alloys, Microarc Oxidation, Boronizing, Alloy Development, Casting, Plasma-surface modification
Prof. Dr. Ebru MENŞUR
Email: ebrualkoy@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 207
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 68
Fabrication and electromechanical characterization of lead-based/free piezoelectrics/ferroelectrics in thin film, bulk, piezocomposites form; energy harvesting; electrocaloric effect & cooling
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yavuz ORAL
Email: aoral@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, H2 Blok, 211
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 57
Biomaterials, Biosensors, Thin film coatings with sol-gel
Prof. Dr. Koray ÖZTÜRK
Email: k.ozturk@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası - 218
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 37
Semiconducting Photocatalyst Oxides
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tarakçı
Email: mtarakci@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 110
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 63
MAO, PEO, Boriding, High Temperature Oxidation of Metals, Biomaterials, Magnetic Materials, Alloys, Welding Metallurgy and Powder Metallurgy
Prof. Dr. Yahya Kemal TÜR
Email: yktur@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Malz. Bil. ve Müh. No:208
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 40
Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic Matrix Composites;
Metal Reinforced Ceramic Composites
Metal Reinforced Ceramic Composites
Prof. Dr. Metin USTA
Email: ustam@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 120
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 55
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ
Email: h.yilmaz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block GE, Malzeme Bil. & Müh. Binası, 219
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 38
Ceramic processing
Colloid chemistry
Electroceramics (Dielektrics, ferroelectrics, semiconducting ceramics)
Carbon fiber reinforced ceramics
Nano thermal analysis
Colloid chemistry
Electroceramics (Dielektrics, ferroelectrics, semiconducting ceramics)
Carbon fiber reinforced ceramics
Nano thermal analysis
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlke ANAÇ ŞAKIR
Email: ilkeanac@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 212
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 49
Polymer adsorption, Polymer Surface Modification, Monolayers, Thin film modification, Responsive Hydrogel Thin Films, SPR/SPFS based biosensors, Self-healing polymers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aligül BÜYÜKAKSOY
Email: aligul@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 109
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2662
Solid oxide fuel/electrolysis cells, solid state electrochemistry, ionic conductor ceramics, mixed ionic-electronic conductor ceramics, ceramic processing, impedance spectroscopy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan TAMSÜ SELLİ
Email: ntamsu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 108
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 61
Assist. Prof. Salim Levent AKTUĞ
Email: saktug@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 121
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 56
Biomaterials, Biomedical Coatings, Oxide Coatings, Micro Arc Oxidation, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation, Electro-spark Deposition, Surface Modification, Zirconium, Magnesium, Aluminum.
Assist. Prof. Abdülkerim GÖK
Email: agok@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 122
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2657
Performance of photovoltaic modules and module materials, weathering degradation tests, statistical methods for materials research, data analysis
Assist. Prof. Kerem Özgür GÜNDÜZ
Email: gunduz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 112
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 65
High Temperature Corrosion of Metallic Materials, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation.
Assist. Prof. Merve MOCAN
Email: mmocan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 107
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2669
Sustainable polymer(composite)s (biodegradable, bio-based, re(up)cycled) Controlled/living polymerization Block copolymer self-assembly Stimuli-responsive polymeric membranes Polymer nanocomposi
Instructor Ömer Faruk DENİZ
Email: odeniz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 02626052702
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis, TEM Sample Preparation, Metallography, Wear Analysis, Scratch Test, Optical Emission Analyzes, Surface Roughness (Profilometer)
Instructor Dr. Namık Kemal GÖZÜAÇIK
Email: nkgozuacik@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Instructor Hatice Yasemin İSKENDER
Email: hyiskender@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z44
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 14
Instructor Ahmet Nazım
Email: anazim@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z44
Phone: +90 (262) 2714
Instructor Dr. Nihan ŞENGÖKMEN ÖZSÖZ
Email: nihans.ozsoz@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 113
Phone: +90 (262) 605 2666
Porous polymers, Emulsion templating, 3D printing, Vat photopolymerization, Electroless Deposition, Pyrolysis, Pyrolitic carbon, Fabrication of hierarchically porous metallic/carbon structures
Dr. M. Taha Demirkan
Email: mtdemirkan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 117
Phone: +90 (262) 6052737
PVD Thin Film Production
Lithium Ion Batteries
Silicon Anodes
Lithium Ion Batteries
Silicon Anodes
Res. Asst. Mehmet ALKAN
Email: mehmetalkan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Res. Asst. Dr. Neslihan BAŞARAN
Email: nengin@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Glass-Ceramics and Production Methods, Bioglass-ceramics, Sustainable Waste Utilization, Functional Coatings, SOFC Sealing Elements.
Res. Asst. Kübranur ÇATALBAŞ
Email: kcatalbas2018@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Res. Asst. Doğancan CEYLAN
Email: dceylan@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 0000000
High Entropy Alloys,Alloy Development and Characterization, Nitriding, Boronizing, Aluminizing
Res. Asst. Kral COŞAN
Email: k.cosan2019@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
Res. Asst. Abdullah Hilmi COŞAR
Email: ahcosar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
• Composite-Biocomposite Materials
• Thin Film Deposition Techniques
• Thin Film Deposition Techniques
Res. Asst. Berke GÜLTEKİN
Email: berkegultekin@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 89
Res. Asst. Dr. Memnune KARDEŞ
Email: memnunedaglar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Semiconductor Photocatalysts, ZnO Nanostructures, TiO2 Nanostructures, ZnO/Polymer Hybrid Structures, Graphene Oxide, Wastewater Treatment, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Removal
Res. Asst. Ahmet KAVUKCU
Email: akavukcu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 116
Phone: +90 (262) 605 26 89
Res. Asst. Seda KOL
Email: sedakol@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z41-İnce Film Laboratuvarı
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 12
Res. Asst. Murat MURUTOĞLU
Email: m.murutoglu@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Electroceramics, Cold Sintering Process (CSP), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
Res. Asst. Dr. Mehmet SEZER
Email: mehmetsezer@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, Z41-İnce Film Laboratuvarı
Phone: +90 (262) 6052712
Biomaterials, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Thin Films
Email: mervetormankayalar@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 114
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 24
Res. Asst. Tuğçe UCUN
Email: tucun2018@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22
Cold Sintering
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Res. Asst. Ezgi YALÇIN
Email: e.yalcin2021@gtu.edu.tr
Office: Block H2, 215
Phone: +90 (262) 605 27 22