Commissions of Defence Technologies USA




No Committee Name Role Description Committee Members

Course Content Determination - Regulation Commission

Determine lesson plan and curriculum

To plan and ensure the implementation of the general education activities of the department

To ensure that necessary arrangements are made by checking course contents and information packages

Organizing training programs.

Prof. Dr. Babür ÖZÇELİK (Koordinatör)

Doç. Dr. Serdar KARA 

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ahmet GÜNEŞ 

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Sezgin CENGİZ (Yedek üye)


Academic Incentive Commission

Academic staff submit their academic incentive applications to the relevant unit academic incentive application and review commission of the higher education institution where they have tenure within the scope of the published application calendar, together with the printout obtained from YÖKSİS, and the examples, evidence and documents regarding academic activities in accordance with the announced procedure.


The unit academic incentive application and review commission may request additional explanations, information and documents from the applicants regarding their academic activities when deemed necessary at all stages of the evaluations. Applicants are obliged to fulfill such requests. Applications made by academic staff are examined by the unit academic incentive application and review commission.

Doç. Dr. Serdar KARA (Başkan)

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ahmet GÜNEŞ 

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Sezgin CENGİZ 

03 Thesis Controller   Res. Assist. Melek DAŞBAŞI








Last update: November 13, 2024