
Addiction Prevention Unit


Among the decisions taken at the meeting of the High Council on Combating Addiction, which was established with Presidential Circular No. 2019/2 on January 26, 2021, is "Launching the Anti-Addiction Campaign and, in this context, transforming the fight against drugs, cigarettes, and hookah, alcohol and behavior addiction into a campaign by calendaring." 


Working Areas

Alcohol dependence

Tobacco addiction

Drug addiction

Behavioural addiction



Our activities 

Awareness-raising activities are carried out regularly on campus. In this context, awareness training is organized with the relevant institutions (Addiction Prevention Units, related Police departments, etc.). 


• Addiction Prevention Trainings 

• Orientation Day Event

• Bağımlılık ile Mücadele Ediyoruz

 Day Technology Diet from GTU Students

• Prof. Dr. Coşgun: Bağımlılıkla Topyekûn Mücadele gerekiyor

• GTU Fights Against Addiction

• Yeşilay topluluğu’ndan bağımlılıkla mücadele semineri



You are not alone in your fight against addiction! 

Green Crescent Counselling Centre (Alo 115)


• GTU Psychological Support Service (Randevu Tracking System)


• High Council for Combating Addiction


• Alcohol in the Fight Against Addiction


We Are Always Ready to Listen to You. As Long As You Want.

• Click here to view the presentation on Alcohol in Combating Addiction.























Last update: November 22, 2024