Frequently Asked Questions


1. Why should we choose the Department of Industrial Engineering and what do students like?

Industrial Engineering is a suitable choice for students who love mathematics, enjoy the diversity of study/application areas, and are open to continuous learning and new application areas. For students who like to work with analytical thinking and prefer work areas based on intensive human relations such as planning, consultancy, project management, strategic management, it provides a strong scientific and technical education infrastructure with managerial and social components that are compatible with their dreams and talents.


2. What does an Industrial Engineer do? In which sectors can they work?

• Production design, analysis and planning of production processes

• Facility planning design and layout

• Logistics networks, logistics bases and distribution

•- Logistics supply chain planning

• Warehouse/inventory management

• Analysis and management of IT/business processes

• Management / consulting

• Planning departments of companies and organizations

• Project management

• Health management

• Finance, risk management

• Data science


When we consider the aforementioned fields, Industrial Engineers work in all sectors where all production and service sectors are planned to work. The work in all these fields is based on creating a mathematical or analytical model of the process/system. The operating environment is different, but abstracted mathematical models and system improvement techniques based on them are common. These techniques and modeling experience learned in Industrial Engineering education enable us to address the needs of different sectors with the right models to plan and improve. For this reason, Industrial Engineers are needed in numerous fields including IT, finance, technology, health, and in all sectors based on production and service.


3. What are the opportunities abroad?

Industrial engineers with a bachelor's degree in Turkey are working in academic positions in the world's best universities and as managers, planning, analysis, sales/marketing analysts in large companies. Our students are guided by professors who know the details of the process when they reach their graduation year for exchange abroad after the second year, master's and doctorate applications. A student's advisor faculty member guides them to choose the right school and field of study.


4. How are the school's physical and laboratory facilities?

Since GTU was founded on the foundation of GYTE, a research institution and is a leading research university in Turkey, the laboratory facilities are quite extensive. Friends who have had the opportunity to visit our campuses have seen that our faculty building has laboratories of different working areas as well as office and classroom space.  Information about Gebze Technical University's large and green campus, gymnasium, fitness center, ozone-cleaned semi-Olympic pool, sports teams, student clubs, social, academic and university/industry activities can be found on the GTU homepage.


5. What is the academic staff of the Department of Industrial Engineering and what can we expect in the coming years?

Our academic staff consists of 2 associate professors and 6 doctoral faculty members who have published articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals in areas such as logistics, simulation, finance, production, optimization, machine learning.  Our professor faculty member has recently retired and will be replaced by new professors. Our program consists of young and dynamic faculty members who received their doctorates from the most prestigious universities in Turkey and abroad.


6. How are the professors' attitudes towards English? Do we have much difficulty with English?

Although the lectures are given in English, asking questions and asking for clarification on a subject that is not understood is always encouraged. In order to avoid language barriers, asking questions in Turkish is encouraged, especially for those who have difficulty expressing their questions in English. The lecturer responds in English in the lecture language, but may explain the subject in Turkish when necessary for a good understanding of the subject, especially for first-year students in the adaptation process. Students who are admitted to our university are first subjected to an English placement test, and if necessary, they are enrolled in the departments after receiving language education appropriate to their level.


7. It is said that industrial engineering graduates can work in every sector, what is the reason for this?

Whether in the service or production sector, a planning to be made, a functioning process can be abstracted as a mathematical model. Operations research, by revealing this underlying mathematical model in the most accurate way, makes the most appropriate / lowest cost / most profitable design of the process / system or applies improvement according to such a design. The analytical skills gained in the courses and the experience gained in projects and internships make it possible to apply the mathematical/computational techniques acquired during undergraduate education in a wide variety of sectors including production, logistics, IT, finance, health management.


8. Does the department have opportunities such as double major and minor programs?

Faculty regulations regarding double major and minor programs can be examined. Our department also establishes double major and minor protocols with related and supportive departments.


9. What are the differences from other engineering disciplines?

Engineering departments train their students to be equipped in the fields under their disciplines. Electronics departments specialize in circuit design, magnetics, signal processing, computer departments in programming, algorithm design, software engineering, operating systems. The Department of Industrial Engineering, on the other hand, provides an intensive mathematics education that will enable the systems studied to be abstracted as accurate mathematical models. For this reason, it teaches to apply techniques including probability, statistics, stochastic processes, linear and discrete optimization, simulation on different systems with the right choices. Considering the diversity of the application area, we have prepared our program with production techniques, data analysis, logistics/supply chain, economics and finance components. Following a strong mathematics and programming education, we teach industrial engineering and operations research techniques and tools on different application areas to prepare our students for the academic world and business life in the strongest way.


10. What are the Erasmus opportunities of the school?

The legislation and relations that our faculty has maintained for years for exchange programs offer the necessary quota and school options to our department as well as other engineering departments. Our quotas for exchange programs, which are benefited by approximately one out of five students from each cycle, have so far been sufficient for our students who are interested in the subject, as experienced in our faculty.



Last update: September 18, 2024