Vision - Mision



Mission of the Institute of Earth and Marine Sciences is to provide suggestions to ensure the sustainable usage of all natural resources, primarily water resources, by offering a better understanding of the mechanisms (physical, chemical, biological) of the natural processes all over the world. In this context, besides field studies, laboratory scale studies and developing methods are to be carried out. It is one of the most important tasks of the Institute to pursue postgraduate programs that will enable students from different disciplines to provide multi discipliner experience as Marine Scientists and / or Earth Scientists.  Maintaining coordination and sharing opinions with other relevant research institutions is another goal of the Institute, while continuing all these activities.


The Vision of the Institute of Earth and Marine Sciences is to reveal the undiscovered natural processes of the local and global Earth and Marine Environment by using the highest-level technology and is to develop methods and products for sustainable use of natural resources. In this regard, reaching the position of a leading national and international research and education center in the near geographical constitutes the vision of the Institute.








Last update: March 06, 2020