1 - The content of the resource should be in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, the laws and the Higher Education Law, 2 - The language and content of the source should be suitable for GTU programs, 3 - Providing thematic integrity with other resources on the same subject still in the library collection, 4 - The author and the editor must be accepted at the national-international level, 5 - To be included in bibliographies, 6 - The physical quality of the broadcast, 7 - Cost of publication, 8 - Absence of other libraries and information centers in the vicinity, 9 - Printing / Publication date must be up to date. 10 - Photocopied publications, brochures, publications sent for advertising purposes, primary school, high school textbooks, duplicator, lecture notes, etc. Publications and materials showing features are not accepted as donations. 11 - The authority and rights regarding the shelving of the publications belong to the Library and Documentation Department. 12 - Donating persons or institutions cannot claim any rights or demands regarding their donations.
Materials that comply with the general criteria stated above are removed to the library archive to be placed in the Library Collection. Publications that do not meet the specified criteria are not accepted as donations.
The FR-0530 Donation Publication Form required for the publications to be donated should be filled and submitted to our library together with the publications.
IMPORTANT: You can reach the desired form by following the steps below. • Click on the Forms link. • Search the relevant form number with the help of (CTRL + F ) window. • When you reach the form, save and print it. Click here to access the forms