Catalog Search (Online) It is the process of accessing information such as the bibliographic information of the sources in our collection, the collection in which they are located, the place number, the loan status, in the electronic environment.
How to Search a Catalog? 1 - In any browser, click on the "Library" tab from our university's website. (The catalog in our library is set as the home page in the browsers on the scanning computers.) 2 - Click "Catalog Search" from the library page. 3 - On the page that opens, the title of the work, the name of the author, ISBN, etc. Search is made by selecting any or all of the information. In the result list, there are status information, location information, collection information of the resources. In the status information section, "On Shelf" refers to those that are accessible and can be borrowed, "Return Date: dd/mm/yyyy" refers to those that have been loaned to users, and "Cannot be Loaned on Shelf" refers to resources (thesis, reference) that can only be used within the library. 4 - The place numbers of the sources of interest are noted and you can find the ones that write General collection on the shelves on the 1st floor, and those that write Thesis, Reference and Multimedia on the shelves on the ground floor. Those who write a reserve can be requested from our personnel at the loan counter.
Login (For Reservation, Extension, Owned, and ILL Request) 1 - Select the "Login" tab on the catalog search page. 2 - Log in by entering the "Member Code" and "Password" information in the window that opens. (Member code: Student No/Pers. Registry No. Password: You can get your password from the "Forgot Password" section.) 3 - You can see what you have borrowed from the "On Me" section in the menu on the left. If the lock icon on the line above each record is red, the work is not available for extension, and if it is green, it means it is available for extension. You can extend the loan period by clicking the green icon. (within the last 5 days) 4 - “Reservation” is done by clicking on the resources that appear on someone else in the catalog browsing and clicking the book button on the lower right. 5 - Only postgraduate students and academic staff can use the “ILL (interlibrary loan)” service. The ILL Request form is filled and the submit request button is clicked. 6 - In addition, it is recommended that you add a second e-mail address that you use frequently by placing a semicolon (;) between two e-mail addresses in the "Personal Information" section for information purposes.
Note-1: In order to log in, you must first come to our library with your corporate e-mail address and become a member. Note-2: In the following cases, the extension button will not be active.
• If you have overdue materials on you, • If there is a reservation on the relevant material, • If you have completed your extension right, |
Video: Catalog Search, Login, Extension, Reservation and ILL Request