
Executive Board


University executive board is presided by the rector and consists of deans, three professors that will be selected by the senate to represent various teaching departments and fields under the university for four years. The rector summons the executive board to a meeting when necessary. Vice-rectors can participate in executive board meetings without having the right to vote. 

The role and authorities of the university executive board are as follows: As stated in the Law No. 2547 on Higher Education and Regulations Governing Academic Organization,

• Assist the rector with the implementation of the decisions taken by higher bodies of higher education and the university senate, in line with designated plans and programs,

• Ensure the implementation of activity plans and programs; examine the investment program, draft budget proposal taking the university divisions' suggestions into consideration, and along with its own suggestions, submit them to the rectorate (applies to public universities) and to the board of the trustrees (applies to foundation universities),

• Make decisions concerning administrative matters that are brought forth by the rector,

• Examine the objections made to the decisions of faculty, institute and vocational school executive boards and finalize them,

Execute other duties designated by the abovementioned law. 





Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar





Prof. Dr. İlyas Kandemir

Acting Dean, Aerospace Faculty

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sinan Akgül

Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Ramazan Altundaş

Dean, Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Elif Özlem Aydın

Dean, Faculty of Architecture

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin İnce

Dean, Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Metin Usta

Faculty Delegate, Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Savaş Berber

Faculty Delegate, Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Hakan Kitapçı

Faculty Delegate, Faculty of Business Administration

Nadir Yıldırım

Secretary-General, Reporter 




Last update: September 10, 2024