Senate is the top decision-making body for academic matters of a university. Senates are presided by rectors, and consist of vice rectors, deans, institute and conservatory directors, one faculty member elected for three years from each faculty, and three directors maximum elected from among the directors of vocational schools of higher education themselves. Secretary general attends senate meetings without the right to vote and acts a reporter during the meetings. Student representative of the university can attend the meetings excluding the ones with agenda of academic promotions and appointments, without having the right to vote. The senate convenes upon the Rector's call, minimum twice a semester every academic year. The roles and responsibilites of the Senate As per the Law No. 2547 on Higher Education and Regulations Governing Academic Organization, • Settle the strategic plan at universities that do not have a university council • Issue regulations for the university in line with the provisions of the abovementioned law • Decide on proposals to establish faculties, institutes, research institutes and conservatories within the university • Finalize the decisions to establish vocational schools of higher education, research and application centers, departments, programs, and science and art majors within the university • Finalize the decisions for curricula of the higher education departments within the university • Finalize the decisions for the university's academic calendar • Determine the criteria to base the university's academic promotions on • Finalize decisions to grant honorary PhDs • Finalize decisions on the objections made to the decisions taken by the faculty committe • Perform other duties assigned with the abovementioned law and other laws |