


Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali MANTAR


Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar was born in 1969 in Zile, Tokat. He graduated from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University in 1993, completed his master's studies in 1998 and his doctoral studies in 2003 at the College of Engineering and Computer Science of Syracuse University in the New York State of the United States (USA).

Starting his career as the Founding Head of the Computer Engineering Department at Harran University in 2004, Prof. Mantar served as a faculty member for the Department of Computer Engineering at Gebze Technical University in 2006. He received the title of associate professor in 2010 and full professor in 2015 at Gebze Technical University.

Prof. Mantar served as an Executive Board Member of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM (National Academic Network and Information Center) between 2006-2018 and as a Committee Member of the European Union Cyber Security Agency in 2010. He still continues his duty as the member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences, which he started in 2013.

Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar, who also taught part-time courses at the Naval Academy, Işık University and Doğuş University between 2006-2014, advised more than 30 graduate students on their graduation projects during this period.

Prof. Mantar has conducted many international academic studies and industrial research on communication and network protocols, wired and wireless communication technologies, computer networks, network architectures, information systems, software defined networks (SDN), distributed systems, network security, and digital forensics.

Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar, who served in various committees at TÜBİTAK's (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) ARDEB (Research Support Programs Presidency) and TEYDEB (Technology and Innovation Support Programs Presidency). Also, he served as the TÜBİTAK BİLGEM (Information and Information Security Advanced Technologies Research Center) Test and Evaluation Vice President in January 2015, and TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Center President between June 2015 and 2020.

Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar, who assumed the duty of Chairman of the Management Board at HAVELSAN between May 2018-June 2020, acted as the Deputy Chairman between June 2020-May 2022. He was re-elected as the Chairman of HAVELSAN's Management Board as of 16 May 2022, and he still continues his duty. Prof. Dr. Mantar served as the Vice Rector for Istanbul Technical University between August 2021-August 2022, and he was appointed as the Rector of Gebze Technical University on August 4, 2022.

Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar is married with 4 children.


Contact Rector's Office

Phone: +90 (262) 605 15 01
Fax: +90 (262) 653 84 90




Last update: September 05, 2024