Application Directives Governing External Transfers of Undergraduate Students
Directives Governing the Issuance of a Duplicate Diploma
Directives for Using the Library Services
Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations
Undergraduate English Preparatory Class Directives
Undergraduate Minor Program Directives (for students enrolled before the 2010-2011 fall semester)
Undergraduate Minor Program Directives (for students who enrolled as of 2010-2011 fall semester)
Directives Governing Internal Transfers
Internship Directives for Undergraduate Education - Faculty of Engineering
Directives Governing Student Clubs
Directives Governing the Applications, Admissions and Registrations of International Students
Council of Higher Education Regulations for Student Discipline
Directives for Identifying Top-Ranking Students at GTU
Internship Directives for the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture