
The Directorate of Information Technology at GTU establishes the network and computer infrastructure in the university. Our division prepares the website of the university. It creates technical conditions to other divisions related to the university for purchasing of computer and peripheral units. It prepares programs to meet the requirements of the university or it provides alternative programs to be used in the university's divisions. It also provides trainings about the use of these programs.


The Directorate of Information Technology Hardware Support Group provides the maintenance and repair of computer and peripheral units which are registered to GTU inventory list.

The Directorate of Information Technology cannot install any other programs than products licensed to GTU and cannot be held responsible for individual installation. It cannot give any support for these programs. For a new setup, a new operating system suitable for the computer’s configuration, an office package program, and an antivirus programme are installed.

The Hardware Support Group helps install intranet and maintains the system's sustainability. The Hardware Support Group staff is not responsible for any document or program loss in case of a malfunction. Users are responsible for their back-ups. The service provided by the hardware support group can be named shortly as operating system installment, office package installment (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook), antivirus program installment, introduction of computer and devices to the operating system.
The Software Support Group of the Directorate of Information Technology develops software according to the division's demands and serves these to their usage. In case of need, it enables package programs to be purchased for the divisions.


Technical and Administrative Services Unit

It operates to provide technical service for the computer systems in our university.


- Installment of personal computers and printers, uploading softwares, setting network etc., making them ready to use and run 
- Providing of solutions for software or hardware problems reported with malfunction logging system
- Conducting of the software updates of machines within the university 


Network and System Administration Unit

The unit is responsible for designing, installing and conducting networks. Its duties are:

- to manage wired and wireless networks; to enable network security,
- to design, maintain, and repair networks; to maintain and connect switches,
- to organize IP addresses and provide wiring services,

- to maintain and repair technical equipment (fiber cables, switches, hubs, etc.) within the Local Area Network (LAN) installed between the divisions of our university,
- to plan feasibility works for new buildings; to prepare the network project; to determine the technical qualities of the products to be purchased; and to prepare their specifications.

System Administration Group's Services 

Installing services on the servers located within the campus, enabling their proper operation and security. These services, including e-mail services, FTP/WEB server, DNS (domain name server), DHCP server administration, are within the responsibility of this group.


Web and Software Unit

- Determining the policies of management, design, and publishing for GTU web pages
- Design and update of the GTU website
- Developing, managing, and giving support for Web Management
- Managing Web Portal servers, adjusting connections to the web pages
- Opening the required ftp and database accounts to the host web pages



Last update: June 14, 2024