Staff Mobility for Teaching


What Is Teaching Mobility?

Teaching mobility refers to an activity that allows a staff member responsible for teaching to deliver lectures to students at a partner higher education institution in one of the program countries. It also involves carrying out joint academic/educational activities with the host institution related to teaching.


It is also possible to invite staff employed at a business or a higher education institution without an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) based in one of the program countries to GTU to deliver lectures to students.


The staff invited to teach must be employed at a business, training center, research center, or another organization that meets the definition of a business abroad. Since the grant for the invited individual will be provided by GTU, universities cannot be included in this scope for inviting staff.



Conditions for Participating in Teaching Mobility

The academic staff member must be employed and teaching at least part-time at a higher education institution holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).


There must be an inter-institutional agreement between the relevant departments of the universities. You can access these agreements in the IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS section.


There must be a teaching program accepted by both the sending and host higher education institutions. (The teaching program must be signed by all parties and should at least include the general aims/objectives, content, and expected outcomes of the planned program.)



Duration of Activity

The duration of the activity can be between 2 consecutive days and 2 months, excluding travel days.


Due to the limited grant allocated to our university and the high demand, a maximum of 7 days of grant (excluding travel days) is provided per person in order to benefit a larger number of individuals. However, participants may continue their mobility beyond this period without the grant.


Even if an individual carries out activities for a longer period, the grant payment will only be made for a maximum of 7 days.


The teaching activity must include a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or for a shorter stay period).


The required number of teaching hours must increase proportionally to the duration of the mobility for stays longer than one week. (2 weeks = at least 16 hours / 3 weeks = at least 24 hours).


The minimum duration of the activity for staff invited from a business is 1 day, excluding travel days. There is no minimum teaching hour requirement for staff in this category.



Special Cases in Staff Mobility

Staff mobility can be carried out by combining teaching activities with training activity. This combination is considered as a whole as a teaching activity.


Teaching or training activities can be carried out at multiple host institutions/organizations within the same country. In this case, it is considered as a single teaching or training activity, subject to the minimum activity duration requirement.



Last update: December 17, 2024