Presidential Digital Transformation Office Cybersecurity Vocational Schools Project Page


About the Project


The most critical component of ensuring national cybersecurity is to train qualified human resources who will produce, develop and manage technology in order to strengthen the organizational structure and technical infrastructure.


In line with this vision, the Digital Transformation Office has accelerated its efforts to create and disseminate cybersecurity programs in higher education.


With the cooperation protocol signed between the Digital Transformation Office and the Council of Higher Education on 05.10.2022, efforts have been initiated to open Cybersecurity Vocational Schools in Ankara, Istanbul, Kocaeli and Izmir. In addition to this, within the scope of the protocol, efforts are also being carried out to disseminate cybersecurity programs in higher education, strengthen existing cybersecurity programs, determine cybersecurity specialized universities and increase the effectiveness of Cybersecurity Research and Application Centers.


The main objectives of the project include building a competent and qualified workforce in the field of cybersecurity, making cybersecurity an attractive career field for young people and developing the concept of cybersecurity expertise and providing professional qualifications.


Within the scope of the project, Cybersecurity Vocational Schools were opened in Ankara University, Ege University, Istanbul Technical University and Gebze Technical University in 2023. The Cybersecurity Analyst and Operator associate degree program opened in these schools started its education life with its first students in the fall semester of 2023, with at least 30% English as the language of instruction.


Cybersecurity Vocational Schools implement a program that is intertwined with the sector and fed by the sector, and thus it is aimed to increase the students' application practices with real field experiences. The constantly developing curriculum focuses on cybersecurity specializations that the sector needs first, and some selected field courses are also taught by experts from the sector.


The sustainability of the program will be ensured with new cooperation models to be developed between the national cybersecurity ecosystem and the aforementioned universities.


Please click to access the Turkish version Presidential Digital Transformation Office Cybersecurity Vocational Schools Project page.


Click to review the Turkish version of the Cyber​​security Vocational Schools Introduction Brochure prepared by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office.



Last update: November 20, 2024