General Information on Internships (Update Date: 20.02.2024)


Mandatory Internship refers to the internships that undergraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering at Gebze Technical University are required to complete as part of their curriculum. GTÜ Faculty of Engineering undergraduate students are required to complete at least 40 business days of mandatory internships during their studies. Completing this duration is necessary for graduation. Mandatory internships must be carried out at two different institutions, each for 20 business days. (Internships can also be completed at the same company if they are in different fields and the department approves it.) Students can start their first mandatory internship no earlier than after the 4th semester and their second mandatory internship no earlier than after the 6th semester.

Internships can only be carried out during the semester under the following conditions:
- Students who need to complete a maximum of 20 ECTS credits, excluding internships required for graduation, can do their mandatory internships during the semester if their class schedules (whether or not they have to attend classes) have at least 3 free days per week (with at least 3 full days per week).
- Sector internships can be done. For information about sector internships, refer to the YÖ-0019 Faculty of Engineering Internship Directive.
- To perform a sector internship, a protocol must be established with the relevant company. The list of companies with which the department has signed a protocol can be accessed from the Department Chair and the Dean's Office Internship Page, Sector Internship Protocols section. (

To be eligible for a sector internship, the student must either have a GPA of 3.0 or higher or be among the top 20% of students in terms of GPA among fourth-year students in the department. Additionally, the student must have successfully completed at least 180 ECTS credits and at least one of their mandatory internships and must have an outstanding mandatory internship on their curriculum.

Students who apply for a sector internship after the announcement will have their suitability for the internship assessed by the Dean’s Office and the company where the internship will be performed.

Sector internships can be done for a minimum of 2 full days and a maximum of 4 full days per week. They can be carried out for a minimum of 28 and a maximum of 40 business days in one semester. They cannot be done for less than 10 weeks in one semester. This internship can be counted as 20 business days of mandatory internship, subject to the evaluation of the Department Internship Committee.

Students who have completed 200 ECTS credits by the 8th semester and have a GPA above 3.0 can enroll in ENG/MUH 498 Industrial Applications. A protocol must be established with the relevant company for this course in the 4th year Spring Semester of the undergraduate program. Information about ENG/MUH 498 Industrial Applications can be found on the Dean’s Office MÜH/ENG 498 Industrial Applications page. (

If the following conditions are met, it is possible to do an internship for more than 20 business days in one instance:
- Submission of the Internship Objectives and Internship Plan to the Department according to the Department Internship Implementation Principles before starting the mandatory internship or by the end of the second week of the mandatory internship and having this form approved by the Department.
- The internship must be for exactly 30 business days or 40 business days.

Our Internship Directive does not include definitions for "Optional Internship" and "Voluntary Internship." If a student wishes to work outside of mandatory internships, it is the responsibility of the student and the company to handle the SGK (Social Security Institution) procedures.


Last update: July 19, 2024