Regulations and Directives for Undergraduate Education

Application Directives Governing External Transfers of Undergraduate Students

Erasmus Student Exchange

Directives Governing the Issuance of a Duplicate Diploma

Directives for Using the Library Services

Undergraduate Double Major Program Directives (for students who enrolled before the 2010-2011 fall semester)

Undergraduate Double Major Program Directives (for students who enrolled as of 2010-2011 fall semester)

Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations

Undergraduate English Preparatory Class Directives

Undergraduate Minor Program Directives (for students enrolled before the 2010-2011 fall semester)

Undergraduate Minor Program Directives (for students who enrolled as of 2010-2011 fall semester)

Directives Governing Internal Transfers

Internship Directives for Undergraduate Education - Faculty of Engineering

Directives Governing Student Clubs

Directives Governing the Applications, Admissions and Registrations of International Students

Council of Higher Education Regulations for Student Discipline

Application Directives Governing the Architectural Design Courses Offered at the Faculty of Architecture

Directives for Identifying Top-Ranking Students at GTU

Directives for Application Principles Governing the Architectural Design VIII Course Offered at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture

Internship Directives for the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture